Travel Support

Lark Svenson of the Fairfield TM and Welcome Center  offers to help anyone with travel advice, especially with access to airport shuttle drivers. She indicates that sometimes drivers are in or out of town, and the list of available drivers may change. We have provided some travel options below, but she suggests that you contact her office closer to the event and she will provide you with the latest and most active list.

NOTE: As of 6/14 we hear that there is a senior discount on Air Choice One from Chicago to the Burlington airport and from St Louis to the Burlington airport for about $70.00

NamePhone/textCedar RapidsDes MoinesBurlingtonAmtrak Station (Mt. Pleasant or Ottumwa)MolineChicagoAdditional ridersComment
Evan Beltran641-452-1147 $98$155$75$48$155$20 eachsurcharge for really early or late
Pat Cox641-451-1147$98$148$75$148$20 each
Park Hensley641-451-0888$65$95$50$100$300No additional chargePark charges "the distance to the airport" He will also do small drives in Fairfield for $5
Devin Hrebar641-919-6108$90$130$65$130$30, or $25 for immediate family membersDevin and her husband have taken over the shuttle business from George. They will also do late-night arrivals for an extra $30
Molly Jenkins843-384-5362$90$130$65$130$30Prices are one-way
Mobile Companion (Chris Conklin)319-201-9741$150$200$100$200Can take up to seven adults and their luggage$50 an hour. Good for groups, has Honda Pilot and a padded trailer for luggage, commercially licensed
Rich Schindler641-919-1817$98$155$78$48$155$15surcharge for really early or late
Premier car rental319-931-8969Car rentals in Fairfield
Iowa Rideshare


The information on travel support opportunities listed above does not constitute a recommendation of any of those services on the part of MUM or the Reunion committee. In addition all information is for guidance only and you should check for the accuracy of the stated prices and terms when you make arrangements with each or any vendor.

MUM and/or the Reunion committee is not liable for any injury and/or damage to persons or property caused by any acts or omissions, negligence or vehicular operations of any of the stated vendors, or any failure on their part to provide services, do so in a timely fashion, or honor any agreements.