
Who Can Believe It?

40 Years since we graduated from MIU!
Let’s Reunite, Reminisce and Celebrate!

The class of 1979 welcomes all ’77 and ’78 graduates to attend (Spouses, significant others, and people who studied with us but did not graduate with us also welcome):

September 6th – 8th
Fairfield Iowa

The ’77 -’79 reunion committee has done lots of work to organize many events for you all to gather and have fun…

Note:  The Full Weekend Pass covers dinner Friday evening at Revelations, ArtWalk activities, Saturday lunch at MUM, the Saturday dinner/dancing/alumni slideshow/celebration of our dear departed classmates at Cider House 1949, Saturday tours, all of the scheduled activities and Sunday brunch at the Country Club. 

Not Covered: Coffee, tea, breakfast and talk all morning at Cafe Paradiso and Revelations

30th reunion in Santa Barbara